A few notes when using inverter

Inverters are currently used extensively not only in the industry but also in household appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators ... It is a useful device for saving energy for plant and production lines. However, if you do not know how to select and use the inverter properly, it will not make full use of its effect. We would like to introduce you to some of the considerations when using the inverter.

Some notes:

Depending on the application you select the frequency inverter accordingly, in that way you will only pay a low cost but ensure the reliability work.

Inside the frequency inverter is electronic semiconductor components so sensitive to environmental conditions, which Vietnam has a hot and humid climate, so when choosing you must ensure that your inverter has been tropical , suitable to climate Vietnam.

You must ensure the installation environment such as temperature, humidity, location.

Inverters can not work outdoors, they need to be installed in a cabinet with large space, good ventilation (cabinets must have ventilation), the position of the cabinet is a dry place in the room temperature less than 500oC, no corrosive, gas, dust, height less than 1000m above sea level.

Carefully read the manual, if not understand or not sure, do not arbitrarily connect or change the settings parameters.

Thanks to the technical experts of the supplier of the inverter for you installation instructions, set to get the optimal operating mode for your application.

When the frequency inverter error, look up the error code in the document and find out the cause of the error, only when the error is restarted.

Each frequency inverter has a quick reference manual, you should keep a detailed record of the changes and errors you observe in this manual. Specialists when troubleshooting for you.

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